Therapies That Speed Up Recovery

Compression Therapy – Normatec 2.0 Leg Sleeves
  • Reduce Pain & Soreness
  • Improve Performance & Longevity
  • Warm Up Pre-Workout
  • Recover Quickly Post Training
  • Increase Circulation
Electrical Muscle Stimulation – Compex TENS Unit

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is the use of electrical pulses to stimulate the sensory nerves of the body and help provide pain relief.

  • Temporary Relief of Pain
  • Increased Circulation and Healing
  • Symptomatic Relief and Management of chronic pain
  • Recover Quickly Post Training
  • Relief of pain associated with Arthritis
Percussion Therapy

This percussive technique is designed to target soft tissue pain and soreness by rapidly stimulating blood flow to a specific area. It is often done using a massage gun which delivers strong pulses and vibrations into the muscle tissue.

Sports Recovery

Recovery is the most under-utilized modality of training across any style of fitness. As soft tissue, joint, and muscular injuries continue to increase, we as a society spend less time in recovery, thus, over-training.

The Elevate treatment package dials in on a 50 joint and musculoskeletal assessment, exposing any flaw in movement pattern. Here, we can create a comprehensive stretch protocol, soft tissue treatment, and use several modalities (such as Compression Therapy, Electric Muscle Stimulation, Percussion) to correct the affected area.

45 Minute Recovery Session $65

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